Return to the ship to receive an invitation to a private room in the Jekk’Jekk Tarr Bar You have to travel alone so walk towards the entrance to the docks and Atton will see you off and give you some medical supplies.

You crew members are oddly obsessed with your main character and it’s explained well in the game. He later became head of the Exchange criminal organization on Nar Shaddaa and traveled with the Jedi Exile, Meetra Surik. G0-T0, also known as “Goto,” was a G0-T0 infrastructure planning system operational circa 3955 – 3951 BBY. After, you deplete all of her life, she will send out 3 floating lightsabers to attack you. I killed her with the advanced lightsaber throw and force choke. How do you kill kreia?Īn easy way to defeat Kreia on Malachor V, in th Trayus Core, is to keep running and pausing the game and then attacking when she is behind you with a force power. No you can’t kill Atris The first you visit the Telos Academy. In the dark side ending G0-T0 stops Bao-dur’s remote, so the planet isn’t destroyed, meaning that the Exile can use it as a base for creating their new Empire or whatever.

In the light side ending the droid succeeds, and the planet is destroyed so no one else can use it as a quick way to corrupt force users. KOTOR 2 was made in that moment, forever frozen between Baldur’s Gate and Mass Effect. The signs were there from the start: cut content, loot randomly generated rather than placed by hand and oh-so-many bugs. By the time you reach Malachor V, everything is petering out. So unless you have another mod in there that specifically gives it to you, no. Tslrcm pretty much activates code that was already in there, just incomplete and not made available. Your lightsaber is not coded into the game. Over the last few weeks, I've had an explosion of hits for this little blog. Some were very well done this one wasn't one of them. You can use these item codes with the giveitem cheat code to spawn items in KOTOR. Find below a searchable table of all item IDs for both editions of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2) on PC and Mac (Steam). Archived from the original on 13 July 2011.